With the user token feature, we give the advanced user the possibility to define own tokens directly in the original document. The original files will be analysed for user tokens, which will be removed from the document after extracting the value.
This feature is available in our PDFCreator Business Editions
Please activate this feature when you intend to use it because the search for user tokens might be time consuming on slower PCs.
This feature must be enabled in every profile setting in which you want to use it.
Please note that user tokens are different than regular tokens. The former allow you to define your own tokens in the original document.
Place a user token in your document with the following syntax:
[[[NameOfToken:User token value]]]
The name can be chosen completely free and independent from the regular tokens.
When the user token feature is activated, it will be evaluated and removed from the original document.
User tokens should be placed on separate lines because the whole line will be removed during the process.
It is recommended that the user tokens are kept to one token per line, because certain applications (e.g. Microsoft Word) sometimes result in unpredictable formatting of the content.
In PDFCreator, you can define user tokens the same way as regular tokens. The token name is composed of the keyword “User:” and the name of the token:
In case the document does not include a used user token, the following syntax allows you to set a default value:
<User:NameOfToken:Default value>
The default value is not used if the user token is present in the document but its value remains empty.
would be replaced with an empty string.
<, >, {, }, [, ], (, ), :
Every special character in the token value needs to be preceded by a backslash character.
Single backslash characters in your input document that are not immediately followed by a special character, will remain in the token together with the character that follows.
characters that signify the ending of a token to the system.[[[PartialPath:Desktop\Folder\\]]]
Just like the regular tokens, user tokens can be used in the following fields:
Stamp Text
Filename Template
Folder Template (for save file dialog)
Target folder (for automatic saving)
Email recipients
Email subject
Email text
Script file path
Script parameters
FTP server directory
Don’t hesitate to contact us, if your use case is not covered (support@pdfforge.org).
[[[TestUserToken:User Token Value]]]
A Split Token is a special kind of user token that allows to excplicitly define where a document is split. This means that an input document with a single split token would result in two output documents. The syntax of the split token is as follows:
Document 1
--- end of page
Document 2
The split token works on a page-by-page basis, i.e. if there are no subsequent pages, the split token is simply removed without creating another document. In order for it to work it needs a least one additional page after the token.
Upon detection of a split token, not only is the input document’s content split but its user tokens are as well. This means that the user tokens detected before the splitting of the document will only be usable in the job that processes the first output document (whose content is before the split token). Further, if any user tokens were present in the input document after document was split, the values of those tokens would only be accesible from within the job processing the second output document.