PDFCreator allows you to have multiple printers. You can access the printer settings by starting PDFCreator from the Windows Explorer, calling Printer in the main window.
You can greatly automate your daily workflow using multiple printers. See Autosave Mode for more information.
You can use PDFCreator to add new printers. Just click on “Add printer” and type in the desired printer name. After selecting a printer, you can remove it by clicking on “Delete printer”. This will add/remove real Windows printers.
You need to have administrator privileges to add or delete printers.
You can link each printer with a profile. E.g. you could have one printer for invoices that saves the invoice as PDF to a certain folder and another one for standard usage.
Other possibilities are:
a JPEG image printer
high res PDFs for printing
low res PDFs for Email
a PDF printer with predefined Author, Security Settings etc.