PDFCreator allows you to export your settings in order to save or share them. Use the Test Pages to see if PDFCreator is working correctly.
If you encounter a bug in PDFCreator make sure to save your log and see our forums for support from the PDFCreator Community or send us an email!
Our business clients will receive prioritized email support! Make sure to see PDFCreator Business for information about our PDFCreator business products.
To help solving problems, PDFCreator logs intermediate steps into a log file. You can open the file by clicking on Show log file. Your default viewer for log files (usually the same as for txt files, e.g. Notepad) will open the log file, from there you can save a copy.
You can set the log level to filter the importance (and consequently the quantity) of the notifications in the log file. For example Off would turn off the logging (but will still create/keep a log file, which is empty or may contain old logs).
Debug would be the log level for troubleshooting. If you have to contact our support, feel free to add the log file generated on this Level.
Error is the default log level. Especially when you are using AutoSave-Mode (in which the user interaction is completely disabled) the log file will give you a feedback on incorrect settings.
Creates a sample print job to test the PDFCreator printer and drivers. This allows you to convert a PDF without having to go into another program to test the application. This is especially useful when troubleshooting PDFCreator on your system.
Convert PDFCreator Test Page Launches an internal print job to verify the PDFCreator’s functionality.
Print Windows Test Page Prints the windows test page on PDFCreator to check the integration into windows.
Windows selects the primary printer with the assigned profile (see Printers).
Use the restore button in order to restore PDFCreator’s default settings. This will delete all your user settings. You might want to export your settings first!
To share, sync or simply store your settings, you can extract and save them to an INI-file by clicking on Save settings to file. To import settings, click on Load Settings from file and navigate to the INI-file you would like to load.